The father of Liberation Theology, Father Gustavo Gutierrez, a Peruvian priest, died on October 22, 2024, at the age of 96. Gutierrez had a huge following in South America and was quite influential with Catholic and Protestant religious progressives worldwide. Liberation Theology is a radical Christian movement, mainly promoted by the religious left. Pope John Paul II was vehemently against this type of theology. John Paul II believed that Liberation Theology as a politicized form of Christianity that was a Marxist interpretation of the Bible. He should know, since he lived in Poland under the Marxist tyranny of the former Soviet Union. The Encyclopedia Brittanica defines Liberation Theology like this: “ A religious movement that arose in late 20th-century Catholicism and was centered in Latin America. It seeks to apply religious faith by aiding the poor and oppressed through involvement in political and civic affairs. It stresses both heightened awareness of the “sinful” socioeconomic structures that cause social inequities and active participation in changing those.”
The thrust of Liberation Theology is centered on the oppressor and the oppressed. It is a militant anti-capitalist world view. Our current pope, Pope Francis, is in my opinion, a follower of Liberation Theology. He has often railed against capitalism and praised tyrannical regimes, such Castro’s Cuba and the tyrants of South America. He has also made a deal with the Devil, China, whereby the Chinese tyrants get to appoint Catholic bishops who toe the communist Chinese line. He sees the poor as our modern-day saints and capitalists as the enemy of the people. According to the Britannia quote earlier, it sees capitalism as a socio-economic sinful structure. What is sinful about it, is not specified. I see it as an arbitrary assertion without evidence. Robert J. Spitzer, in his book “Ten Universal Principles” in his chapter on the Principle of Reason states that “what can be asserted without evidence, can be denied without evidence.”
So, what is wrong with capitalism? They don’t specify. Let’s look at some sample societies that don’t have capitalism. Who oppresses whom? Do capitalist society oppress? It’s possible, but can you provide an example? A capitalist society such as the United States or Western Europe, do they oppress their citizens? I need an example. Capitalism has raised more people out of poverty than any other economic entity. Why do all people of the world rush into the United States from anti-capitalist countries. Have you seen the rush of the American border in the last 40 years? In the last four years nearly 10 million illegal aliens have crossed our borders. Has anyone rushed the border of a Marxist/Socialist country? Why would these people risk their lives to come here and not Cuba or Venezuela, for example? Here is the eminent economist Milton Friedman describing capitalism vs socialism: Click here for this short video.
Where have all the innovation and scientific achievements come from, socialist or capitalist societies? Which countries help Ukraine in their war with Russia, for example? Which socialist country has come up with what Microsoft or Apple Computer invented. Who invented the Internet? Where does innovation come from? Which country has cutting edge medicine, socialists or capitalists? Many socialist countries have universal health care but where would you go to have an operation, Cuba, North Korea, or the United States?
Here is another short clip comparing capitalism vs socialism. Click here.
Now, let’s talk about the religious aspect of Marxist/Socialist vs capitalism. Does the Bible say which is best? No, it does not. Does the Bible say we need to help our poor? Yes, it does, but it does not say how we must do it, as long as we do it. In Luke 6, Jesus says, “Blessed are you who are poor, for yours is the Kingdom of God.” He promises that the poor will inherit something far greater than any of the riches of this world. He goes on to say that those who suffer now will not suffer in the kingdom (Luke 6:21-22). So, the question becomes, where do people succeed in living a good life? in a socialist country like Venezuela, Cuba, North Korea, or the United States or Europe? Which Marxist/Socialist country can you point to as being successful? We have never seen a successful Marxist/Socialist country, yet people still cling to the socialist pipe dream. Was the Soviet Union a success? Countries like Brazil keeps going to socialist leaders such as the current Brazilian leader, Venezuela and other South American countries do the same with zero result. Rich countries such as Venezuela have been devasted by socialist regimes such as the current one. When will they see the light?