Have you noticed how socialism has experienced a strong resurgence in the world? If you look at Europe, socialism reins unabated. All European countries have socialized medicine. All of them, with few exceptions, have a political system that can only be described as hard left. Just look at Spain and Greece for instance. Both countries have socialist governments; both are nearly broke and waiting to be rescued by their sister Europeans. Let's move to South America. All South American countries are ruled by socialist regimes. All of them, with the exception of Chile, are nearly broke. The only reason Chile is not as bad as the others is because Chile has followed a more capitalist form of government and because it follows free market economics more than the others. How about Venezuela? Ruled by a self-proclaimed socialist and lover of Fidel Castro, Hugo Chavez has succeeded in ruining this rich country.
Let's now look at our own back yard, the USA. With the administration of Barack Obama, a swing toward socialism has begun. Just look at all the spending that has happened in the last year. Are we better off today than when this spending started? NO.
Now, the important question. Can you name one socialist country that has been an economic success? NO. Then why have we not learned our lesson? This is a rhetorical question that I keep asking. I've found no answer. Socialist like Keynesian economics - the idea that government spending is what will cure economics problems. Question again: When has a country, and which one, has had any success with government spending? The answer is none. When will they learn?